
By katieedwards11


Had a lay in this morning.

When I got up I did a few hours of revision for p.e.

Then I spent ages writing out pages if music for piano. Worth it though

My grandparents came over for a while and we had cakes and tea whilst discussing our political points of veiw. Haha ended up having a debating session!

At two thirty I went sit in kayaking. I seal launched with Hannah (basically being pushed off the bank whilst on the boat). After that I did a hour practicing punting for my doubles race next week with Lucy. Then I went in a K2 race kayak with Hannah and I steered the rudder. We went to the rope swing and I now have massive rope burns! We stopped off at church for a while on the way back.

Came home about 5:30 and had a lovely family barbecue. Played piano for my neighbour and then did some ironing for school.

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