Buildings for sale/development, in Academy Street, Inverness. They don't look much, and I won't be surprised if they're demolished and replaced with something completely different. Something that won't match with anything else in this street. It's a real hotchpotch, like many other parts of the town. Thought I'd try and record them whilst they're still here. (Duffed up the focusing a bit here... again.)

Foggy grey day. Slight headache, and feeling none too great this afternoon. Straight home after work, skipping the usual swim.

This is the last frame on this spool, and a few things have been learned regarding the camera. Most require a bit of experimentation to establish how to get the best from it.

1) The viewfinder - it shows more than will be on the film's frame. There's no guidelines shown in the viewfinder, as are common on later cameras. So need to get a better idea of what's going to be captured.

2) Focusing - is the rangefinder 'in focus' indicator accurate enough? And that'll need checking with subjects at various distances.

3) Focusing - depending to some extent on (2) and (3), are the distance markings on the lens accurate?

4) Depth of field, and hyperfocal markings on the lens - check their accuracy, along with the distance focusing marks.

5) Aperture and distance - playing around with the lens to get a better idea of its character. For wide-open aperture shots, this will also tie in with the focusing accuracy.

6) Exposure - need a bit of playing around with bracketing some tricky, and some normal exposure shots. Want to find out the effects of deliberately over, and under, exposing some scenes, and parts of them. Basically want to get a better idea of how B&W film responds to such things. It ain't the same as digital, rest assured of that. With 36+ exposures this would be better done with the 35mm film camera, rather than the mere 12 available from a spool in this camera. Especially as a spool of either can cost a similar amount to have processed!

A few spools required, which unlike this one, will perhaps just have one or two Blips from them. Eleven Blips from twelve frames for this spool, and I reckon this was my favourite.

Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta IV : f/8 : 1/30" : 75mm : ISO100

Film: Kodak T-MAX 100 (B&W negative)

[Frame : 12]

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