A Year On...
We'll never forget picking up the news of Chaiselongue's passing in Rome airport on our way back from Cairo, a year ago today. We continue to feel her loss from our daily lives and often talk about her; I also love reading her comments when I sometimes look back a year or two following my 'annual' thumbnails; many of them are mini works of art in their own right!
Thankfully, we are blessed to be in regular touch with her husband LoJardinier and, indeed, our intention was to be with him and his newly extended family (see the preceding link) for lunch this week but our tummy bugs put paid to that.
Hopefully, we'll get to meet up before the autumn and catch up fully with how all our lives are going on, to echo his words, and also take a moment to recall some of our happy shared memories of Chaiselongue.
The framed photograph is titled 'Palmier' and came from her last exhibition. I particularly like it as it captures some of the exoticness of the lands around the Mediterranean which were close to both our hearts. The shot was taken on our own balcony.
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