Sunday Riders

The dogs and I were heading upstream on the true right bank of the Taylor River this morning. It was a lovely crisp clear morning after a moderate frost. There were lots of other dog walkers and mountain bike riders out and about enjoying the Taylor River Tracks.
Heavy machinery has in recent days, trundled along some tracks and into the river bed itself in order to repair some of the damage caused by recent flood events. All three of the stepping stone crossings of the river have been re-instated with even bigger rocks in place. Not that stepping stones were needed today by some horses and their riders out for an easy Sunday morning ride. There were four horses ambling along the track on the other side of the river from us. The fourth was an enormous grey part- draught horse…. a Clydesdale. He was too far behind to be included in this image of the other three.
Gyspy was very excited to see them all. She would have gone flying down the bank on our side of the river, through the water and up the opposite bank in order to round them up if I had not chastised her, called her back and put her on her lead. Naughty Gypsy!

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