
By pixelatedpete


nimlet has been with me a while. he is named after a village outside bath, near vampire territory. he doesn't get nearly enough attention these days but i wouldn't be without him! :-)

busy day in birmingham listening about the Semantic Web, so not much time for blippin' today. sorry folks. wanted to note a couple of things though that seemed odd today.

firstly, the crisps. the packet says something about having 30% less saturated fat, but (and this is the relevant bit) "Same Great Taste". Why is that odd? Because, there, in BIG letters, right next to the flavour, was the word "NEW" declaring a never tasted before flavour...

secondly, the man with the refreshment trolly on the train home. he left the carriage, only to return seconds later saying in a flustered voice:

"Who will help me with the bike? It has been left in a VERY DANGEROUS position!"

Goodness me! Who would have thought a bike on a train could possibly be VERY (not just very) DANGEROUS? It wasn't my bike. The woman who got up looked very sheepish. I saw her at the station later. It was just a regular hybrid. The pannier looked heavy, but i didn't see spikes or swords or ought. ah well.

oh. once last thing. anyone have a train delayed on account of a "defective horn"? i couldn't help but snigger. frozen it was and no train can leave the station with the, i mean, a frozen horn. i imagined the guard pouring tea over it and blowing in a desperate attempt to get it to whistle. tragic really. :-)

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