
A couple of weeks ago Stuart (lives next door) asked me if I'd like to go with him on a tour of Chiltern Brewery.

What could I say ...but yes.... so today we went at the appointed time & did the tour & sampled the beer and ate the cheese and the bread and the cake and enjoyed it immensely. We obliged the brewery by buying a few bottles of our favourite tipple & then sat on the bench outside & drunk one.

Once home we drank a few more before Stewart left to go to the pub ! (for a meal)

I staggered to my feet and mowed the lawn before dinner and we are now watching the men's Doubles final ..

Heavy rain - great for the garden then in the afternoon hot sunshine.

Thanks to S for the treat & thanks to C for doing the driving.

By the way does he remind you of anyone ? Well in this shot he reminds me of Paul Hollywood....

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