
By Majikcat

A bit too close

I would like to say that I was not as close as it looks-but I am not totally sure myself. If you look at the extreme right you can see a team sky rider bearing down the tramlines, I didn't know he was there as I was on 'burst' at the time. This was my last photo of the burst and it was a good job as I looked up and saw him at the last minute. It was in fact the last one I took at all of the race-I was too shaken! A few of us had to retreat very quickly. See the face looking at me-Here is the second shot of my 'burst' his hand is out , it is on all my photos-but I didn't see him. Thoughts for future I think! We had a great time and the atmosphere was superb. Tomorrow is Silsden, thankfully I have an elevated spot reserved at the church-out of harms way-for me and the riders! Here is Neils.

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