Where are you Wawa?

The house has an amazing garden. It is full of nooks and crannies, has a lovely flat lawn to play on and even has a wooden playhouse. We had loads of fun this evening playing with the ball, frisbee, bean bags and of course playing hide and seek. 'Wawa' is Conor's name for Orla.

We spent most of today at Crealy's Adventure Park, identified by Orla from the leaflets as 'the best place to go for children'. She had an absolute ball, going on all the rides. Some things were more successful than others. She loved the roller coaster but asked to get out of the water walker inflatable balls. She also had a pony ride, but didn't enjoy it. Poor Conor wasn't feeling very well today, so he actually slept through most of it. Which is probably just as well because there wasn't much for him.

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