Diablo lads
Funny old day today - I woke up feeling a bit flat, but ok, then part-way through the morning just burst into tears for no good reason. I took myself off into my tent to try and get it out of my system, but just kept crying on and off for a couple of hours. In the end, I thought I'd better go for a walk or something, but once I got up and talked to my sister for a minute I started to feel loads better - which carried on for the rest of the day and night. Odd. Having spoken to Tim, I'm pretty sure it must have been part of the same bug that he had - as he also had a couple of days of feeling really low.
Anyway, this picture is from the happier part of the day - my nephew made friends with this older lad while out playing with his diablo (the other lad is a proper circus performer, I think, and was showing Fin lots of new tricks and giving him some good pointers and tips). My adorable little niece and I snuck over to a bench nearby to watch them and get a few surreptitious photos - and also had a lovely bit of auntie-niece time. She is such a little sweetheart!
Rather mixed weather today - as you can tell from the stormy sky and intense sunshine in this picture!
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