Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

sun drenching thirst quenching

Weird floaty like day in blazing hot summer sunshine mooching around St Albans killing time before the flight home.

A Wonderful Waffle House pilgrimage under our (expanded) belts, we just did absolutely nothing, 100% sweet FA, no kids or responsibilities, which took us a while to get our heads round. Although it did seem to involve walking miles. But it also involved sitting under a shaded tree in the park and fortuitous cocktails. Texas Iced Tea for Dave while my week off from being mostly teetotal ended with the Grand Dame of girly drinks, the lovely Bellini.

The flight delayed, we were hostage to the sights, sounds and human dramas of Luton airport for 5 hours. All walks of life, right there. But no body search this time. Home after midnight. Thanks to the two Grandmas for looking after Sam and Tess, which made our wee getaway possible. And thanks to Carole for the Wimbledon tickets, so glad we had the opportunity to go.

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