Husbands / gro clocks / toddlers and 5am doesn't go well x

By 8am I felt it should be lunchtime. Charlotte crashed at 9:30, William had crashed around 9:00. I sat down at 10:30 having done 101 jobs and William woke up
(Since his jabs his sleeping has not been great at all, coincidence or connected?)

Grandma brought Millie today. Much better than last time. After lunch we took Millie a walk, Charlotte loved this and walked so far. Crashing when we were in spitting distance from home. I ended up carrying her with William in the sling. Not easy.

Popped to see a friend of mine who is suffering with morning sickness, Charlotte loved playing with all the toys there but was a bit of a tinker, so we headed home, after her insistence I carried her (and the car seat) up one of the steepest hills in Malvern.

Daddy home already when we got home. Lots of cuddles and giggles and a very cute snap of William

Night all, might just go to bed now!

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