
By Marlytyz

Smokey Bone?

I had to attend a training course in Crawley today which involved leaving the house at 7 a.m. to ensure I was there for a 9 a.m. start. This was no easy feat as the night before we had visited friends in Leatherhead. We left at midnight but someone had decided that the motorway should be closed, so a 1 hour journey ended up as taking 2 hours. I therefore only had a few hours sleep and didn't feel on top form. This wasn't helped by not being able to find long term parking when I arrived in Crawley and I ended up taking another 40 minutes trawling around looking for spaces. I therefore antiquated sitting in the back of the room relaxing into the day. No such luck. There were only 4 of us on this training course, so there was no hiding.
My main focus at the end of the day was to find the car. I had unsuccessfully tried so many car parks and was in such a rush that I had forgotten where I had left it.
Walking through the town centre in my quest I noticed some interest around an ice-cream stall. Lots of cameras, a number of teenage girls, and a long haired young man who seemed to be the focus of the attention. I asked one of the young girls the name of the celebrity. She looked at me with real disdain and said something like "Smokey Bone." I heard her then say to her friend "she won't know any difference any way". How right she was.

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