twinned with trumpton


A morning of bizarre jobs; first one had declared an ND but they hadn't been there since '97, second one a guy tried to tell me even though he was in her house, looking after her child and had her as 'chick' on his mobile phone, he wasn't her partner. Then the 76 year old who asked me to dance with her in her hallway; the wife who's husband had died and left the marital home in his will to his sister in law; and the hand delivered letter the flat opposite the woman I sit opposite when I'm in the office???!? Last one of the day was a 90 minute rummage through a Morrisons carrier bag of pension documentation, pay slips back to 1989, various official documents and random family photos.

Stiff drink required at the end of that! In between, I ran an errand at lunchtime, popped into the station, stunning light and shade.

Then in the evening, I worked until nearly 7 (need to pay back time) before busying myself with domesticity. Prepping the Sunday lunch, the Saturday hill and the Friday hiding.

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