Fridge full
A fridge full of truffles can only mean one thing: end of term present rush. Raspberry, salt caramel, plain, lemon and praline. With the restraining influence of Mr B absent, I may have gone too far. High on truffle fumes, I may never sleep again. However, I will fight the urge to stay up all night and instead collapse into bed and, despite the current high, fall asleep immediately.
Sunny morning moving the school account files and sanding shelves in the garden. Rainy afternoon remembering that you really have to save every 30 seconds if you are doing something complex in Photoshop. It's been a while. (Obviously this shot has been nowhere near photoshop, the effort was reserved for a composite of self portraits by the kids at school for a departing teacher, which I think will turn out fine once I find someone with an A3 colour printer.... But that's on tomorrow's list.)
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