Hellcat - news and views

By hellcat2009

First steps

Another milestone on her journey! This week little miss has been taking the odd step forward, tentative and wobbly but remaining on her feet . Today she walked from one side of the playpen across to me without falling- about 6-7 little steps. Wow! Later on she did the same thing in front of Daddy, so it's official. Our baby is walking!

Cannot believe how fast this is going. Makes me feel excited but also so sad sometimes! I hold her close and cuddle her, knowing that I can't hold on to her forever, just a short time. One day I will look back and these days we are enjoying now will be fond memories. We mis-sell the whole parenthood thing. People talk about 'having a baby' or having a child as if it is a fixed transaction, like buying a car, when actually when you become a mother you realise that the whole experience is in constant flux, and your baby is only a baby for a short while- much shorter than you expect! Each stage of development has its own charms and I'm sure there are more highs and lows to come, but right now I am still trying to get to grips with the idea that I am the proud parent of a toddler...

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