Camera Adventures

By Emma97

Paradise - Worcester College

This morning we attended a talk at the Law Faculty which was very interesting and useful as we were able to hear more specifics about the course (e.g subject choices), admissions and European opportunities. We were also able to see the Bodleian law library which is located right next to the faculty, and it was amazing! It was huge and very smart - such a good facility to have. We then did the walk from the Law Faculty to Worcester college as I wanted to have the opportunity to have another look around, and also discover how far it feels to do the walk as the college is quite a way from the faculty. But it really isn't that bad, and seeing Worcester again made me sure that it would be my first choice! This photo was taken in the grounds of Worcester.

After lunch we visited the Bodleian library which is incredible! We then drove back to Birmingham and have spent the evening meeting my newest baby cousin, Sophie, who was born back in May.

Just realised this is my 730th blip!! Thank you for the support everyone!

By the way I may not be able to blip for the next week because we are going on my grandad's narrow boat and I really don't know whether I'll be able to blip or not

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