He's Back!!!

After waiting all day for a decision from the vets I finally got a phone call at 2.40pm, to say Neo could come home.

I raced to the vets straight from work. The receptionist said ' The vet would like to talk to you.'

I sat down, trying not to think the worst, that something was still not quite right.

The vet, a lovely young woman ( but the third different vet in three days!), said they were going to let him home, even though he still wasn't quite right, but they felt he was so scared in there, it wasn't doing him much good.

She then went through all the medications he's got to take, and the fact that if he doesn't go to the toilet I'll have to take him back in the morning.

When she brought him out in his basket, I spoke to him, and his little face turned to me as if to say ' At last a voice I know.'

So far so good, Sophia didn't hiss at him, he's been to the toilet, had a little bit of food, and slept in my husband's arms, purring away.

It's so lovely to have him home. He looks a bit funny, with a shaved neck, leg and bum. But one look at his beautiful face and my heart just melts.

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