
By rachelhpreston

Our Final Kids' Club and something very exciting

Today really does mark the beginning of the end, as we had our final kids' club this morning. We finished of the story of Noah, getting them to learn the memory verse by reading it out in silly voices, and performing the drama we wrote at orientation (yes, we really are the dream team - we even write our own sketches!), followed by a tie-dye activity with the kids. Which surprisingly did not end up with a poor child going home with different coloured clothes to what they came in! We used the parachute with them again - I love how many smiles (an inevitably tears!) are produced by such a simple game!
The Saturday afternoon kids' club wasn't on this week because Colombia were playing at 3pm, so it would have been to dangerous to go (this tells you just how excited the Colombian's get about their football - I love it!!) and also no one would have turned up, and we wanted to watch the match! Everyone was watching the game, including my family who never, EVER, watch football! Colombia beat Uruguay 2-0. The noise which followed to goals nearly caused an earthquake in the canyon, and the parties continued to about 3am. Gutted that we won't be here for the next match though. We are torn between wanting Colombia to win, and not wanting them to get to the final because we will have left the country the day before and I can barely imagine the parties and noise and atmosphere that would surround the final if Colombia were in it, and it would be so, so sad to miss that! But maybe the fact we are leaving the country will be the reason Colombia get to the final, because of the law of sod...!
After the match, Adelmo and I with a couple of others had the tremendously exciting job of putting the roof on! By the time we finished I was exhausted and had managed to slice my arm on a lovely piece of metal sticking out of the wall (just doing health and safety checks for the kids...!) but none of this mattered because there was a roof! Adelmo and I sat on the floor for a good 15 minutes after, just going at intervals 'Look Adelmo, there's a roof!' and 'Look Rachel, there's a roof!' This is so exciting because the building now feels usable, and it's such a sense of achievement to see it get this far.

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