Photos for an exhibition

Chris and De'Shaun are having a display of wedding photographs from previous generations at their own wedding in August and wanted some images of their grand-parents wedding. So I dug out a selection of photographs from the stack that, like most other people, have yet to be sorted, labeled and organised.

The images are from my parents wedding in 1948, their Ruby wedding in 1988 and their Golden wedding in 1998 together with a photograph of me at my Christening. Others that I've included are Mum with her two sons at her Ruby wedding (I'm the one with the beard), Chris when at secondary school and me with my two sons about 12 years ago.

The idea is to scan them, but at the moment, the scanner isn't playing ball, crashing after each scan but not saving the image. I can't find the disks either.

Susan was out with Doreen all day, but I was at the school where I'm a governor all morning doing a montoring visit and writing up a report.

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