Like pebbles on a beach..

By Pebblesonbeach

Quiet Day

Hubbie seems to have come down with the flu. Wasn't well last night - thankfully improving at the time of writing. Hence not been on the slopes today - I ache anyway from all my falls so a rest will do me good too.

Spent over an hour this morning trying to locate the Chemist with no success! Tried again this afternoon with a better map and we found it - shame my Bulgarian-English phrase book doesn't seem to be correct, even pointing at the word for flu wasn't working. Had to resort to acting it out - charades style! Thank goodness he didn't have the squits!!!

Back on the slopes tomorrow - will be adding extra tail bone padding to my impact shorts first though.

This is the view from our balcony, Bansko is still under construction but highly recommend visiting (and my team at works monkey which goes on holiday with us all).

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