Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Wicked Chickens.

A poorly pigeon has been hanging around our garden for the last few days. I hoped that it was beginning to perk up and left it at that.

When I returned from the dog walk this morning I was horrified to see a scary amount of feathers scattered around the back garden. Cowering behind some plant pots was a poorly and now plucked pigeon.

I managed to catch him but not before the chickens had another go at him; claws out, more feathers flying.

Pigeon safely in a pet carrier I called the SSPCA to collect him.

If I'm honest, I think the kindest thing will be to put it to sleep, but part of me hopes that it can be nursed back to health.

It's just their nature to eject intruders from their patch,

but I still think they are wicked chickens.

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