Laggan Reservoir

We noted, the last time we were along the A86, that Laggan Reservoir had returned to its low summer time level. Only a few weeks ago the operators were having to allow surplus, probably snow melt, to spill and take its natural course to the sea down the Glen Spean Valley rather than with hydro electric intervention to power the aluminium smelter. How frustrating it must be to let all that potential energy (there is a pun there) be wasted and now be feeling the strain from low water.

On a positive note the huge flood plains a few kilometres above the dam are once again exposed and available to Caley to run around in crazy circles after the ball. It was hot tonight and I was thankful for being spoken out of my original idea of going up Bohuntin Hill. In fact if that had been the choice it would just have been Caley and I as Mrs SJR did not fancy the climb in this heat. We had a brilliant little walk, full of interest and views we had not taken in for a while.

I was speaking to a friend on the phone today. He is self-employed and does all sorts of ground works, building, building repairs and fencing. He is clever, resourceful and can do the hard physical work of three normal men. He also has a very dry sense of humour which he can deliver with a deadly serious poker face. I always enjoy a blether with Mr C.

He related that he has been doing some fencing work on quite a high profile and expensive new hydro electric scheme. Given that he is a local man of considerable knowledge and passing familiarity with Gaelic he was introduced to some high profile project managers and perhaps investors on the occasion of their site visit.
They took the opportunity to pick his brains on the precise meaning of the Gaelic river name that so much of their money and effort was being invested in (abundant water being pivotal to viability).
The literal translation: “The dry river of the summer”
I dropped the phone laughing and when the conversation resumed he explained his collective little audience were nodding their head with respect to his knowledgeable translation until one of them twigged after about a minute.
The picture; you see Caley giving encouragement to Mrs SJR on a little rock scramble along the water edge of a very depleted Laggan Reservoir.

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