Keith B

By keibr

Sunshine, blue sky & cumulus clouds, life is good!

As I write this I am sitting in the garden here in Bötsle. The sun shines and it is warm enough to choose the shade rather than the sunlight. What a change from the last few cloudy, cool, rainy days!
We are eating a holiday brunch outside. Eat a little and go off and do a quick something or other in the garden. Come back and eat a little more. Chat with Janet. Off to do something else and then back for another nibble. The tea’s gone cold but cold tea is good too…
The only noise is a concert of quiet buzzing that comes from the bees, bumble bees, and various other small flying creatures that are enjoying the bounty of all these flowers and their pollen and nectar.
There is a slight breeze, enough to make the air feel fresh and keep the mosquitoes away, but not to blow things around. The horse flies are absent and I’m content to note the fact without wondering why.
It won’t last. The cumulus clouds are growing larger and their undersides are no longer fluffy white but a steadily darkening grey. Fairly soon they will cover the sky and then rain will fall. But that means we don’t need to water the garden so that’s OK.
Life is good, even under gathering clouds.
Update – twice the sky darkened and that pre-storm wind gusted through the garden but each time the clouds moved away and the blue sky returned. Looks like we’ll have to water the garden tomorrow.
Two backblips today, yesterday's and Sunday's.

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