Surfer girl

Another beautiful day in Orkney saw me up on the hill first thing this morning, followed by a trip to Stromness to fit a shower - slightly delayed by the customer having slept in, and further delayed by a loft so full of junk I had to clear an access route to the place I needed to be to work *sigh*

Home and out with the dogs for a wander at Wasdale in glorious sunshine. Fabulous!

Whilst wandering the garden with my beautiful girl looking for something for her to blip, we spotted a bird in the sea. It looked like it was caught up in some net or something, struggling to get away. Out came the wetsuit and the surfboard and HV paddled to the rescue of the stricken bird. She got within about 25 yards of the bird before it flew off... *sigh* She seemed to enjoy paddling around in the bay though, and the woofers were delighted that she came back. They were rather concerned that she had gone in the water...

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