Little snippets

By Steffi

'Harvest of Bales of Straw'.....

..... is the most impressive title of the installion of the artist Michael Beutler. He made more than 70 of those bales of coloured straws ..... which are now scattered around the lawns around the museums of the 'Kunstareal' (Pinakotheken, Glyptothek, Sammlung Brandhorst), where they are supposed to remain until october.

The art council (?? In German it's 'Kulturausschuss') of the city of Munich is sponsoring this piece of art with 150 000€ (~ £120 ooo)!!!!!!!! ..... even if the district council (’Bezirksausschuss') of the urban district were unanimously against this project......

The art council was enthused about the 'intelligent interconnection of nature and urban structure'..... and thinks that piece is a 'strongly connective element for the whole 'Kunstareal' ......' ............ yeah..... right...........

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