Bright sunny view? :)

Hi blippers!

Look how beautiful and surprising summer we have here! We really have to heat buildings this summer too, as weather is like it was autumn already! I wonder it will get any better in july of august...

But how exciting football game it was last night, in FIFA football world championchips! The game endes at 1am or something - and you maybe can imagine my tired feeling as I woke up at 6,30am to catch the train to Helsinki at 8am - only to fall back asleep at the moment I sat down in the soft chair and the train started to move...

The only moment I can recall from the journey today is this blip.: I momentarily woke up for a second and was not schocked by the brightness, but captured this scene from the train instead (train moving approx. 160km/hour).

Over the lake Vanajavesi there is the castle of Hämeenlinna, Castle Häme. The lagre shot is here. Nothing much to see, I am afraid...

We do not have too many castles here in Finland. I assume anicent finns mainly only picked berries and planted turnips, lived in wooden shacks or houses - and struggled with hard & cold winters - during those historic times, when other natives were rich enough to build castles...

About historic times - additional note that I also slept the way back.
I never do that, normally, but it has been so hard to enjoy this much football playing!

Thanks for your comments and stars for yesterday street view. I will continue the mono theme later!


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