A Slight Return

Meet Ian (L) and Mystic Dave (R). Ian and Dave (with some help) built the extension at our last house. It was a great process, we knew what was happening when, people turned up when they were supposed to and did what we expected (well except for a foot going through the bathroom ceiling but we'll let that one go). So it was a great shame when Ian announced he was no longer in business and Dave was not taking on big projects, especially as this was about the time we bought our current, rather needy, house.

Although Dave did help us a lot I could not talk him into taking on the large extension. This meant we were exposed to the horror that was 'A Normal, Stereotypical Builder'. Trades were never there on time, things took longer, cost more, did not get finished. Even 2 years after it was 'finished' there are things I still need to complete in order to get building control to sign it off.

Which brings us onto our new bathroom. We had tried to get quotes from bathroom people but frankly they were all hopeless and anything more than a refit made them run away, we were distraught.

However a chance conversation with Ian revealed he was working with Dave again, in a limited, senior management capacity:) As we are friends and former customers he agreed to manage the build for us, with Dave being a key part in a lot of the work. Today is the first time I have seen them together in about 8 years it almost brought a tear to my eye ;)

Only 2 bathrooms, a cart lodge garage thing, a huge structure in the garden for music, photography and jolly japes, rendering the whole house, converting the garage into a room, working out where we can actually put a back door, a new porch, patio, some fencing, electric gates would be nice, and a new roof on the extension the cretin failed to build properly and we'll be finished ;)


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