Splish splashing around...

Danny was out with the street teams until 6am this morning, he came back tired having been 'involved' with a fair bit of vomit - including washing one girls hair extensions which had been put in new that day!
Anyway, I took Asha out for the morning so Danny could sleep and get over the night's work...
We went to the new beach we found yesterday...it was such fun! The waves were pretty big, and the sea gets deep almost immediately, so def not a place to leave kids roaming, but so much fun! Lovely to watch Asha getting more confident in the water... Came back via the playground, then made a pudding together. All in all, a very nice mother/daughter time!
Now Danny's up and Asha's napping, so will get on with some Romani research and continue with the day....though I suspect the first half was the most fun half!

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