Monday's Mystery Mono Motor

Name this car in ONE! The first of a Monday series - join in by guessing or by posting your own Mystery Motor. Tag it MysteryMotor

Mondays and Tuesdays are exhausting, I have 3 jobs, 8-10, 11-5 and 6- 10. In between I have to see Mum and walk the dog!

It doesn't leave a lot of time for anything else - especially blipping!

The majority of cars of today, look the same to me, there is very little diversity and few distinctive features. Cars from the past are instantly recognisable, so as there is a garage that specialises in classic cars, I thought it would be fun (and easy) to take a shot of one for you to identify each Monday.

This is not one - as I forgot this is my own little car that is sure to be a classic of the future!!

Can you identify it?

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