Bliptogether no.1

And if things work out there will be at least one more attempt ;-)

A huge thank you to Pixel Smiths who took this shot (and don't I look different on a Canon 7D compared to my usual Nikon D60? ;-)

It was a fantastic way to catch up, drink wine, eat home grown tomatoes, crackers, cheese, fresh muffins and oh, that's right, get a bliptogether shot. Great to see you PS. Let's meet up once you're back from Golden Bay.

At the end of my day I can say it's been a good one. Given it's been a week at least since the clouds started dragging their bottoms across the tops of the Port Hills, it's mostly dull and grey and mid-summer, I think that's a pretty good result.

A nice thing happened today. I was thinking to myself what a trying day it was when I received an email that said "You are a little wonder thank you". It put my day in perspective and I let go of a few things :-) The power of positive feedback and saying thank you eh?

I biked to work for the first time since my nettle encounter today. I won't tomorrow as I've realised I have a fasting blood sugar test to do. It's just routine but I know from experience biking on an empty stomach doesn't work.

On that note I'll have to scoot. I haven't eaten properly (need to disguise the wine with some vegetables ;-)

I've had a lot of comments lately. Thank you. I have a busy couple of days ahead but I will try to comment.

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