just allan

By allan

Big Head

Paolozzi outside the Design Museum this morning. Pretty high opinions of themselves as you can see! I was out for a run, 10km steadily after bruising my toe a couple of weeks back. Better now, except when I prodded it showing Lis which one is sore! Doh.

The run on Strava.

Finally got a leaving date from work - 31st July as I proposed. Excellent! Almost there... Just need a few references to come through.

Pub after work with Lis and then off to Islington for a nerdy get together with Seb and pals. Cucumber, a great tool for testing software. Even better, they all used Vim and I have added features to Vim. So I got thanks for that about 20 years after I wrote the code :)

A happy day with lots to look forward to.

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