The Amazing Sarah

This is Sarah, my massage therapist. The woman works wonders on my poor abused muscles. I've been going to Sarah for about a year and a half now and have blipped about her a few times, but now you get to meet her in person!

I now class Sarah as a good friend too and we chat about everything - including her new purple wig (seen featured in this picture). She's running the parkrun on Saturday - for the Iris Cancer Partnership. Iris provides free (specially adapted) massage therapies for people diagnosed with cancer - something Sarah is also well trained in. If you see her in Cramond on Saturday, give her a cheer!

Anyway, my legs are a bit sore from yesterday so I went straight to Sarah today to sort them out! It's worked a treat! She's a real gem - I absolutely refuse to get a massage from anyone else now! If you're looking for a massage - I highly recommend her - get in touch if you'd like her details!

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