
By SLPlearning

The Power of .....

Had a busy morning and a better more relaxed afternoon. Was at a meeting that centred on power and empowerment and challenged some notions people have of the meaning of the word empowerment. It's great to go to other people's events for a change and even nicer that they made it easy to participate.

The subject was power and control and they started from a very different place from the usual seminars.

The facilitators asked each of us, “Do you have the ability to make choices that come from your Will and to activate these choices if you so desire?”

If not, then who has your power? Is it your boss? Or is it your partner or spouse? Does fear have your power? Or have you given your power to social mores or institutions such as the government, a religion or a philosophy? Do doctors or lawyers have your power? Or is it spiritual leaders ? Do you give it to controlling and domineering people? Have you given it to comfort foods, alcohol, drugs or other forms of escape?
Have you given it to taking care of everyone else? Or, do you let people who are unhappy drain and suck your energy?

So after a series of discussions and workshops the message was a different style. We found that we are never powerless because we have choice at every point. We even have the power to make choices to be powerless.

We were encouraged to make a choice now to be powerful, to reclaim our strengths, abilities, gifts and talents. If you will own your power, you will find that you can change anything.

Power comes not from the barrel of a gun, but from one's awareness of his or her own cultural strength and the unlimited capacity to empathize with, feel for, care, and love one's brothers and sisters.

Addison Gayle Jr quotes ​

I thought these barrels had a very powerful presence so I guess they've been listening

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