
Listening to a radio show about doctors missing/mis-diagnosing cancer over my lunch and whilst catching up on journals I saw this.

Frieda was the person who introduced me to the Documented Life project and I have been enjoying the weekly challenges all year. As I have not picked up my camera today I have decided a quick phone blip of my effort for this week will be my blip for today.

The funeral I attended recently was for someone who had been sent away from her doctors with various treatments for months before she was diagnosed.


I use grrrrrrrrrr quite often in texts/online to indicate my displeasure at various things. The 'crossword' theme for this week had me thinking out my own 'cross' word choices and I created a 'cross' background by smashing and scraping acrylics on my page. The letters were added and then, to reflect the puzzle bit, a crossword frame and 'clue'. Not sure if I am done yet with this one but for now, here it is.

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