Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView


We're unsure of the sex of this little one, but it obviously enjoyed the dried food I left first thing this morning. It's extremely nervous so this was taken from a distance but does have the most beautiful blue eyes.

We're still having a few teething problems and hiccups with our house in Mallorca. We woke in the wee small hours to dripping water from the air conditioning unit. To my horror my Canon was underneath it.

1. How stupid of me to leave the camera on the dressing table in the first place, right underneath an a/c unit (however, in my defence, it hasn't leaked before).


2. We've tried stripping down the a/c unit doing all the obvious checks but now have resorted to calling a "man" who is knowledgeable about these things whose coming, hopefully, tomorrow.

3. Oh, and we've got ants too!!!!!!!

Enjoy your Monday everyone.


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