Just your average Sunday...

...Or maybe not. Up before seven and down to the lifeboat station by eight to set up for open day today. We pretty much had everything set up for ten am the Mike, Megan, Ross and I were out on the boat for a helicopter exercise ahead of the display for open day.

On that one the helicopter winched Ross, then Megan up then back down onto the boat while mike drove. With that successfully completed we headed back to do our bits for open day. I was doing photos on the boats for kids and Craig was on printing them.

At two o'clock we launched again to do the proper helicopter display. This time I went up first then Ross got a chance to do again. Obviously I didn't take today's blip Roz did as I was otherwise engaged. In fact if you look at the big version of the photo you'll see me suspended between the helicopter and the boat. This photo was on the way up.

Afte rthe exercise we had another hour or so left of the open day then a bit of packing up before heading up to Frankie and Benny's for a crew meal to finish the day off.

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