Ant's thought of the day.

By SaintAnt76

Pleasure Garden

It may be small but this little space has seen a great deal of fun and good times with family and friends. From barbecues to kids parties to the odd night where a chat with a few people turned into a drinking session that left you wondering what the hell happened the night before and where did all the Champaign go...

As I said a great little space to unwind and relax in. However, during the winter this little oasis was badly damaged by the continuous rain and storms and it turned out to be a bit of a disaster area, waterlogged, no fences and not many plants left standing. Today, I've finished the re-modeling and I'm very pleased with the results. It has taken a lot of work, love and care to get it back to where it was and I think it's even better than before. I just have one plant to replace and the balance and karma will be back in this little piece of England I call my home.

My thought for today is this... Sometimes things may look bleak and devastated but it can all turn out well and even better than before. Like the garden, a little love, care and attention will help to bring back a balance in your life and it will be a good place to be.

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