From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A beautiful Ayrshire day....

It was such a beautiful day. We left the house soon after 11:30 which was quite early for a Sunday. I usually get engrossed in rubbish Highway to Heaven but looking and feeling a bit washed out, I felt in need of some Ayrshire air. We didn't have any plans but wandered into town in the glorious sunshine. I bought a green top in Marks and Spencers which was winking at me as we passed by and then I checked the bus timetables. I decided we'd get the bus to Dunure which was only about 5 miles away. I'd wanted to go there for ages but when we nearly went a month ago, the heavens had opened while we were waiting for the 361 and we abandoned our plans.

The only clouds in the sky today were light and fluffy. It was only a little mini bus that turned up and we sat towards the back on a raised seat for a better view.

Mom moaned that we'd probably have to get off the bus in the middle of nowhere and we'd have to climb up a gigantic hill and I would probably twist my ankle or tumble over the side and drown on the way back. I am definitely beginning to see where I get my cheerful sense of optimism from!

The bus trundled past Greenan Castle where I'd had my greatest and very worst days in the last year and then we drove through Alloway past Robbie Burns cottage. Mom suggested we get off there instead. I told her that I'd paid £2.90 to go to Dunure and I wasn't getting off at a place we normally walk to anyway. Fifteen minutes later, the bus turned a corner and we could see Dunure Castle on top of a hill with the sea glittering behind. The last stop was just around the corner and we got off and strolled back to the castle. As the bus had been climbing steadily uphill the whole journey, we literally just had to walk across to the various viewing points.

It was so beautiful! I took so many pictures and it was virtually impossible to choose just one. The Isle of Arran was clearly visible from there as was Ailsa Craig, a tiny island which is a birdwatchers' paradise and I could see the little boats heading there out of Girvan Harbour. Now you know that's a trip I am desperate to do another day but it will have to be when I am not working.

As I said to mom, I am so delighted that I took up Blipfoto a couple of years ago as I truly appreciate wonderful things like this now. She replied with a touch of sadness in her voice that it was a shame I didn't appreciate these things when dad was alive as I'd never appeared very interested in scenery and birds then. He'd have been delighted that I was finally enjoying everything available so easily here.

Go large....

There's no point regretting things in the past. It can't be changed. One day I'll take my own advice....

Track? One from Peter Green - World Keep On Turning

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