nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn

Yes Tor and High Willlhays

I had checked the firing times and so I knew that the only time this week I could walk on north Dartmoor was today and tomorrow, so this was my first stop. The weather was so good I though I should take maximum advantage and head out overnight. I found an excellent car park in Belstone village near Okehampton, and squashed bivvy bag, sleeping bag and mat into my rucksack, along with a bit of food, water, a can of Hobgoblin and a hip flask.

It was a marvellous evening's walk up to the highest point of the south west (yes, that's another one bagged), I didn't see anyone else on the paths. I was watching the sun set and having some oatcakes by the cairn on High Willhays when I noticed a couple of other people over on Yes Tor doing the same thing (well, I'm not sure about the oatcakes). I was suddenly worried that they would come along and find me, but once the sun had gone down they headed off. I settled down in a spot on the other side of the hill, sheltered and facing the sunrise.

There was a fox, who regarded me for a while before trotting off. The sky was quite clear and the stars came out - I'm not used to being able to see them these days, living in the West Midlands. It didn't ever get particularly dark but I could still see so many more than at home.

To be continued...

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