Hello Dolly!

From 9 until 5,
I could listen to Dolly;
Country superstar!

Unusual for the BBC to show any set in full from Glastonbury unless it's the headline act but got a treat this afternoon and watched Dolly Parton with the family :)

Reminded me that my favourite TV show finishes its series this week :(

Braved Cambridge so my Dad could get an iPad (even I haven't got an ipad!) and then had his birthday lunch in John Lewis. Most people wanted the Sunday roast and normally I would too but I caught a whiff of the fish & chips and declared it a diet cheat day! Poshest fish and chips I've had in a while :)

I couldn't stand it in the apple store for long so went for a little wander and found some cute purple things in the Tiger shop...including mini traffic cones that I can use for physiotherapy homework :)

P.S. the bear/dog slipper thing was one of my dad's hilarious Christmas presents to Mum!

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