Care Package Arrived!

My old friend Tony arrived late last night with the planned 'care package'. He got straight to work on the Mercedes this morning.

If you are keeping up with the Mercedes saga, then this is the interim repair to get some cooling fans running. Since I've arrived it's been consigned to the top of the mountain with the hotel very nicely fueling it for me. But, you can only do that so long.

First job was to wire the electric fan up that doesn't seem to come on at all. Couple of connectors (we got them the wrong way round to start with), and we now at least have an electric fan, if not the main engine fan. Interestingly, we found the belt that had slipped off to turn the other fan - so we now have 2 or 3 fans working!

Took it down to Bormio to get some fuel, and although it needs a couple of cooling stops on the way up, it did ok.

Now all that's left is clearing the limp mode, which we couldn't do. Once that is cooled I'll have the rest of the gearbox back, instead of 2nd gear. Catch 22. Limited to 2nd causes the engine to create excess heat and limited airflow across the radiator, so limp mode is possibly hindering the cooling of the car.

Cooling should be better than it is though, but....I'll take some cooling over no cooling.

No fotos today, weather closed in. And it's started snowing.

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