Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Take Stock

Stock trailer. S-I-L sold a cow and calf at the auction today. Grampa, Gracie and I went along and watched as people bid on the parade of animals coming in and going out of the little auction ring. They started out with rabbits. Then chickens. Next came sheep, goats, calves and cattle. Gracie fell in love with some of the cute little goats. I have to admit they were awfully cute. But no sale. Gracie was getting hungry and so was I, during the last half of the goats so we went down stairs to the Stockman's Cafe and had a burger and fries. That done, back up just in time to see s-i-l's cow/calf pair come through. That's all we wanted to stay for so after that we went to Camping World to pick up a few things then headed home. Birthday BBQ in the evening for my bro-i-law. Weather settled just in time for the outdoor event!
All in all a busy day.

Almost forgot Maxine: I have my own version of a rain dance.
First, I wash my car...

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