George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry


From the heady heights of yesterday, to the depths today. How are the mighty fallen!

I have it on the utmost authority (HERS) that I am driving everyone mental.

I seem to have beans in my ankles, and even though SHE took me for the longest walk this afternoon it just wasn't enough.

Then I was out the back, and him next door was working on his roof. So I had to bark at him, didn't I. This went on for quite a long while, and apparently even ear plugs don't keep out the noise of my barking.

Then SHE brought me indoors, but I kept giving her nose shoves, so she put me out the front, and people kept walking past (bit of a cheek, but there you are). So I had to bark didn't I.

I got scolded in a very loud voice. And I didn't like it one bit.

But guess what! It didn't stop me barking. No siree!

I can tell you SHE and HE are totally fed-up with me today.

If I keep this up there might be a little black Pomeranian for sale sometime soon.

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