
By witchcreations


This year I wanted to be busy...

and I have been... the day job... studying... the self employed work... the projects... the adoption preparation... time has been flying by, which has made me an intermittent blipper...

I started my journal 30th December 2010, and have had many ups and downs since then, experiencing life, death and friendship along the way... this record of experiences and changing times is something I'm proud of, so even though I've been less than dedicated in recent months, and my three year milestone is a little late, I'm hoping to fill in some of the gaps and to continue with renewed energy.

I'm now having a bit of a summer break... I'm just down to one full time job at the moment, so I'm hoping to get back into the flow of regular blipping, and to get a chance to catch up with everyone... although I've not been that chatty, I've still been dropping by everyone's journals from time to time and I still think blip is a genius invention...

Thank you to everyone for the glimpses into your worlds and all those creative ideas X

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