Plus ça change...

By SooB


Not a day likely to make it into my top-ten days of 2014. Or indeed my top-ten days of June. But I was at least able to get something productive done and start the long sorting out of CarbBoy's bedroom. His room generally looks not bad, as whenever it needs a tidy Mr B volunteers to help (very kindly) and between the two of them they throw everything in the nearest box. Though this does get the job done quickly, which is very useful at times, it does mean a lot of disorder. So today was spent sorting the lego from the playmobil and breaking up the battles CarbBoy had waging between (for example) the Red Indians and the forces of the British armies in the Napoleonic Wars (1:32 scale). Hardly a fair fight.

All is now in its proper drawer/box save for a large collection of objects that are unknown to me. Tomorrow CarbBoy will categorise them as B-Daman / Bakugan / Chima / etc and I will make more labels. Today he was on his end of year basketball club trip to a local sports/adventure park where enough fun was had with paintball, swimming, biking and general larking about in the 35 degree heat that he went straight upstairs to bed with no complaint.

The storm did finally arrive tonight, but despite several breaks in electricity supply just at the key lamb rack roasting moments, the humidity hasn't gone. I think a tepid bath and an early night beckon.

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