Rescued Lamb

Less windy and a warmer day and even some sunny spells :)

Up fairly early and breakfast cooked, cup tea and chat with sister Julie and family and then out exploring Unst.  Thought I'd go to Wood Wick where I hadn't been before and a hike around the hills there.  Poor Sammy dog just knackered after the hike :)
Might try a couple of pints tonight down the local :)

While out hiking, I spotted this poor peerie lamb in a burn.  First I thought she was dead but then she moved, so I climbed down the cliff edge of the burn to help out.  Looked like she'd been stuck for a good while in the cold water but I finally got her up on the grass and she seemed like nothing broken but exhausted from the struggle.   No sight of a mother in the immediate area and too far from the car to carry but I really hope the mother passes soon to find her, at least she will dry and warm up :)  You can see Sammy peeping in the left corner :)

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