
By Chook

Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls

Australian Open started today in very unorthodox fashion. The tournament usually coincides with the two most ferally hot weeks of the year, the poor players sweating it out on courts whose temperatures climb into the sixties. Today's weather struggled to break out of the teens and felt colder. It rained all day, and already the leaves are falling from the trees. Hard to believe that only a week ago we were sweating through a day in the mid-forties.

Had a very grown up morning of banking, loans and contracts, then succumbed to the lure of wearing warm socks and snuggling under the doona and went back to bed for a few hours. Finished another of my Christmas books, Reunion by Andrea Goldsmith. Set in Melbourne, about a bunch of people who met while studying at Melbourne Uni. So, very familiar in some (but certainly not all) respects, but really thought-provoking. Well worth a read.

J and I braved the rain this evening to head out for his Christmas present - seeing David Sedaris at the Arts Centre. Such hilariously quirky takes on the mundane. Hadn't heard any of tonight's stories before. Laughed out loud many times. Top night.

Took tonight's picture in a brief break in the rain on the dash back to the car. Didn't really like it much, but it's grown on me a smidgin. Better bigger.

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