This day

By snapper

the Wild Sarachs

This group are from Campbeltown a wee fishing town on the Kintyre peninsula. They were taking part at the Danny Kyle open mic sessions at Celtic Connections. The wuman intorducing them couldnt get their name right and demonstrated a singular lack of attempting to master a tiny bit of Gaelic! All the other acts she introduced she got right!

The first lot from Northumberland were excellent, the second were a male duo who did blues and were very good, so too were the ones pictured followed by a fantastic Irish lass from Derry think her name was Ellen Robertson but deffo one to watch for in the future. The final act were 4 youngsters from Manchester called Foresquare and they were absoulutly stonking, fantastic verve, musical variation and rythem and they got the crowd going, hope they go far cause they were by far the best up and coming folk act I have seen to date.

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