Ms. Most Spirited

By duff


So...I just wrote an awesome first enrty and then the computer decided that it was going to freak out, so I lost it all... so I am bascially pissed, naturally.
Anyway, it keeps me humble, I have to be myself and even in a situation like this the computer was helping me learn my lesson. I was trying to be all artsy and thoughtful in my depiction of my picture, and it was true all that I was saying about it in my post, but I am just not supposed to be one of those really talented artsy people. I will leave that to bascially everyone else in my life. I am more of the observant feeler. I was observing Maria( my roommate and best friend) on the Lake Waco Dam rocks and was imagining all she was thinking about in her head, that lead me to think what she was feeling. Knowing her she was taking in the beauty of the day and the lake and feeling loved by her Maker. I loved that she was a mere speck on the camera but feeling emotions that are bigger and more satisfying than any other encounter on Earth. So there she is on the rock and I am learning something from her life.
I hope that my other posts will be more thoughtfully planned out but to be honest they will probably be very similar to this one, only funnier I hope.

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