small world

By ShiOna

Project Fear

I live in Scotland, there will be a vote on 18/09/14 which will decide if we become an independent country or not. The current Parliament in England keeps telling us all sorts of things that will happen if we become independent, one of which is that all the big companies will leave Scotland. I live near Aberdeen, the heart of the oil industry, all I see is new buildings going up and a huge business park and infra structure being created to demand and occupied as soon as buildings are finished. I work in the 3rd sector and we cannot expand our business as we are over bid on the premises we try to buy and rent by companies who are thriving on the expansion of the oil industry and have money to spend, For now that makes me happy, when we are Independent I will go to the door of my government and ask for help, confident that my voice will be heard, at least, because with independence we will have an accountable, answerable, government whose election and motivation is dependent on the people they serve, unlike the current situation where Westminster basically Fracks Scotland, leeching our wealth from underneath our feet with no regard for the consequences.

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